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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Moyo Hill Camp – Day 43 and 44 – 3/19-3/20/11

Pictures from Serengeti!!!!! 

Today we had late breakfast (9am….so really late compared to the 6am ones from the past few days) so everyone could sleep in.  Of course my internal alarm clock happily went off at 5:30 so I got to read and check email with fast internet while everyone else slept.  There was nothing on the schedule until 2pm this afternoon so I watched a movie and read a bit.  It was very overcast and it began to rain about mid morning.  At 2pm we had a data analyzing session for the bird data we collected and our report is due tomorrow at midnight.  Nothing like a big paper to say welcome back.  So tonight will be spent performing statistical tests and looking for literature to cite. 
I had almost forgotten what sitting still for that many hours would do to a person.  It was paper writing day today so right after breakfast I went to the classroom, set myself up and promised myself that I would not move until lunch.  Three hours later I had most of my discussion written and after eating plopped right back there and kept writing.  I handed the paper in at 6:20 pm with aching fingers, tired eyes, and stiff back.  The paper is a total of 9 pages and I spent 8 hours on it.  I’m not a super fast writer and of course another day for the process would have been nice, but its done and turned in.  Dinner was really good and our SAM got back from her days off in Arusha just as we finished eating.  We of course were glad to see her but especially so when she produced the present she had brought us.  Raspberries!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The hair stood up on the back of my neck, I got goose bumps, and I think I actually hummed in happiness.  I have never eaten a raspberry so slowly in my life or enjoyed one so much!  Since I am now done with my paper I get to watch a movie and skype with whoever happens to get online.

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