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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Packing Process

A trip of this length obviously requires planning.  As a type A personality, this sort of thing is no big deal.  So far I have gone shopping, been stabbed with seven needles,  packed my bags four times, arranged for a full tour of the vet school during my layover in London.  The shopping definitely exceeds (both in cost and time spent) my yearly allotment and its a bit strange to think that my dog has gotten nearly the same number of rabies shots in her entirely lifetime that I have gotten in a month.  However with seven days left the insanity will only increase.


Hey Everyone!

I have exactly one week until I leave for my grand adventure- SO excited!  I will be in Tanzania for a month and a half followed by another month and a half in Kenya.  While in these exotic locations I will be learning about the ecology and management of the wildlife in this area as well as the culture of the Massai.  Updates and pictures will be posted as often as time and internet availability will allow.